As mentioned in its El Periódico de La Energía Chronicle, currently Spain “is in a consolidated deployment phase in energy storage, with access and connection project figures on track to complete the targets established in the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC). 16 gigawatts have been received from projects of interest in various lines, which demonstrates the solvency and capacity of the country to progress in this area.

Sara Aagesen, Secretary of State for Energy, speaking at the I Forum for energy storage of El Periódico de la Energía.
On the first table, where the management of electrical demand was addressed, the urgent need for effective measures in order to achieve decarbonisation was highlighted, especially in a context where it is intended to reach a renewable energy integration level of 81% for 2030. The speakers stressed the importance of improving the regulations, accelerating projects and diversifying storage technologies and improving the flexibility of the system. In this regard, the importance of storage in electrical system operations was emphasised.
With respect to access and connection of storage, figures were given and it was pointed out, by Red Eléctrica (company that operates the electricity grid in Spain), that 2.5 gigawatts (GW) of pumping capacity and 6.5 GW of battery capacity had now been awarded. Furthermore, the need was mentioned to adapt to the growing number of access and connection applications.
In Spain, energy storage is an opportunity, with much interest from national and international investors.
On the second table, aimed at identifying where we are going, the importance of more specific and detailed regulation was stressed, with an emphasis on the need to assess all the services that the storage technologies offer in order to guarantee fair remuneration. On the other hand, the possibility of using “sandboxes” and acceleration mechanisms were proposed, in order to allow battery connection at strategic nodes, thus facilitating the growth of the market and learning about the technology.
Moreover, in the energy storage I Forum, current problems were considered, among others, the lack of transparency in operating procedures, especially in topics relating to batteries; as well as the need to establish a capacity market and assess all the services that storage offers, with the aim of guaranteeing fair remuneration. In this respect, strong emphasis was placed on the need for updated and specific regulation, as well as the simplification of administrative processes.
We are sharing the video of the event, for whoever wishes to find out more on the analysed topics.
In the debates, the need for optimising the electricity grid and to support to the growth of renewable energies in Spain was evident.
The Energy Storage I Forum has been fundamental in highlighting the challenges and opportunities of the sector on the path to a more sustainable energy transition in Spain.

Víctor Peraile and Jordi García, of the ZGR Corporación, at the energy storage I Forum.
ZGR Corporación has extensive experience in energy storage projects, both in generation and in transmission and distribution. If you have any requirements or need a partner for your energy storage projects, count on ZGR, we can help. Shall we talk?
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