Oficinas de ZGR Corporación en su centro de innovación

ZGR Corporación strengthens its commitment to Mexico

The “nearshoring” phenomenon is transforming the industrial landscape of Mexico, especially in the north and centre of the country. This means, in our sector, a significant increase of energy demand and, consequently, a greater need for investments in new generation capacities, more advanced and resilient distribution infrastructures and solutions for the grid quality and security of supply in industry.

Recently, ZGR México and a broad group of directors from the company held meetings with a select group of leading companies in the country, in which interesting collaboration lines have been opened, especially necessary in this context given that ZGR is a strategic supplier in the country.

According to data from the Mexico’s Public Policy Research Centre (IMCO), as well as the perception of businesspeople with whom we regularly meet in the country, there is a notable increase in the energy demand for supplying growing industrial production, as well as a growth of photovoltaic solar generation, with an estimate that in the coming years around 35% of electrical generation in Mexico will come from renewables, especially photovoltaic energy.

Proposals for a competitive and sustainable energy sector in Mexico

IMCO has presented a series of interesting proposals for the period 2024-2030. Included among the most notable are:

  • Significant investments in energy infrastructures to modernise the country’s electrical grids and to be able to take advantage of “nearshoring” opportunities;
  • Regulation, initiatives and backing for the development of the renewables sector, especially solar energy;
  • Driving the development of renewable hydrogen as an energy vector.
  • Investments for the restructuring of the country’s railway, which is the backbone of the territory and allows the growth of its thriving tourist sector.

IMCO’s proposals offer a good starting point, added to which are the positive expectations and growth trends driven by private investment and the industrial sector.

For this reason, Mexico is again of potential interest to the ZGR Corporación which is intensifying its activity with local industry, where it has strong links with Mexican companies and with the European and North American multinationals established there. ZGR is thus reinforcing its commitment to support the energy transition of the country.

Mexico plays a key geostrategic role in the region for the location of data centres which have high energy needs.

Centro de datos y pruebas en el centro de innovación de ZGR Corporación. ZGR puede aportar valor diferencial a la demanda de seguridad de suministro eléctrico a la industria de los data centers de México - EN: Data and test centre in ZGR Corporación's innovation centre. ZGR can add differential value to the demand for security of the electrical supply to Mexico’s data centre industry.

Boosting Data Centres

The large investments that are being made at some of the electrical grid nodes are due, in part, to the capital investments in the Data Driven business. In this respect, Mexico plays a key geostrategic role in the region for the location of data centres of large technology and industrial multinationals.

In this area, ZGR can provide solutions applied to the three supply security levels required in Data Centres:

1). Generation plants for self-consumption and energy efficiency: In this regard, its range of Central Inverters and  PCS 1500 V are designed to respond to this demand for hybrid systems that are highly productive, flexible and robust, in their photovoltaic generation plants.

2). Solutions for minimising micro-outages, electrical disturbances and voltage drops: ZGR provides dynamic voltage restorers (DVRs) and industrial UPSs that guarantee the grid quality and energy supply.

3). Strong energy supply support systems: Such as energy storage systems, complemented with smart chargers and rectifiers, an area in which ZGR Corporación is a leader in its sector, both for chargers and rectifiers (TPS and MIT), and for storage systems (PCS 1500 V, BESS) of the company.

For José Antonio Grande, ZGR Corporación’s business development director, “ZGR México is committed to developing framework agreements with the main companies of the country, as it is our intention to become their technological partner, take on shared risks, cooperate directly with their innovation teams and develop new business models jointly with our customers”.

At this time, ZGR México is extending its workforce in line with the growth of projects and activity lines in the country.








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