Stand de ZGR Corporación en Intersolar Europe 2024. Gran acogida del Inversor Central ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300

Great reception of the ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 Central Inverter at Intersolar Europe 2024

The Intersolar Europe 2024 fair, held from 19 to 21 June in Munich, has concluded with an extraordinarily positive balance for the renewable energies industry. Within this innovation and growth framework, the new ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 Central Inverter has aroused the interest of professionals and companies in the sector.

Intersolar Europe 2024: A records scenario

This year’s Intersolar Europe event has exceeded all expectations, and consolidated its position as the largest platform in Europe for the energy industry. With a record attendance of 110,000 professionals from 176 countries, the trade fair has brought together 3008 exhibitors from 55 nations in an exhibition space of 206,000 square metres. These numbers reflect the growing global interest in renewable energy solutions and the transformation of the energy sector.

The central message from Intersolar 2024 was clear and optimistic: To provide electricity from renewable sources 24 hours a day 365 days a year is both technologically and economically viable. This spirit of optimism has been backed up by concrete data, such as the Global Status Report 2024 from REN21, which discloses the installation of 536 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity throughout the world in the last year alone.

From ZGR, we arrived at Intersolar with a busy agenda of meetings held at our stand, attended by new professionals and companies interested in our product catalogue. We received visits from a wide and diverse range of professionals from different parts of the world, especially Europe, therefore our balance from the Fair is very positive from the commercial point of view.

EN: ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 Central Inverter - ES: Inversor Central ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 -

GR SOLAR CTRh 3300 Central Inverter: ZGR Corporacion´s innovation that aroused most interest

Two aspects of the ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 have been particularly applauded by the experts in the sector:

  1. Its high productivity: The inverter is capable of working at maximum power and without derating up to 50°C, within a service temperature range of -20°C to +60°C.

This characteristic allows efficient operation in a wide range of climatic conditions, which significantly improves productivity of photovoltaic installations.

  1. Its innovative air cooling system: The ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 has an air cooling system with two different protected areas, which isolate the power and control modules. This innovation marks a substantial difference to conventional liquid cooling systems by offering greater energy efficiency and reliability.

The ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 Central Inverter is capable of working at maximum power and without derating up to 50°C.

More than a simple inverter: Versatility and adaptability

The ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 Central Inverter has demonstrated that it is much more than a unit for converting direct current into alternating current. Its capability to function as a “statcom” during the night for the management of reactive energy positions it as an integral solution for modern electrical grids.

The robustness, flexibility and high productivity of the central inverter are aspects that have been widely commended. Its modular design allows partial operation in case of problems which ensures its productivity. Furthermore, the ability to change the power modules in less than 20 minutes minimises production losses and guarantees a return on investment in the photovoltaic plants.

Furthermore, the compatibility of its power and control modules with the two-way battery charger (PCS) for storage systems optimises the spare parts stock and reduces operational costs, a significant advantage for the operators of solar plants.

ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 Central Inverter: Response to the demands of the European market

Our new range of high-power solar inverters arrives at a crucial moment for the European renewable energy market which has experienced growth greater than 40% in the last two financial years. Specifically, the ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 Central Inverter complies with the grid codes and provides stability against transitory events, thus responding to the growing need for modern inverters that can maintain stability of smart and distributed electrical grids.

The high power density of these new ZGR units allows a significant reduction of space required in utility scale plants, while its innovative cooling system guarantees efficient operation even under extreme temperature conditions.

ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 Central Inverter: Ease-of-use and advanced connectivity

Another aspect highlighted by the attendees at Intersolar 2024 was ease of installation, operation and maintenance of the ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 Central Inverter. Furthermore, the advanced communication and interconnection capabilities of the converter, including Modbus TCP communication and Ethernet connection outputs, were recognised as key characteristics of the efficient management of modern photovoltaic plants.

The excellent reception at Intersolar 2024 of our new range of Central Inverters confirms that these units effectively respond to the current and future needs of the photovoltaic market. So convinced are we of this that we are now in the process of developing and manufacturing the next 4500 MW central inverter.

We are now in the process of developing and manufacturing the next 4500 MW central inverter.

With its unique combination of high productivity, robustness and flexibility, it is positioned as a stand-out solution in the Utility Scale sector, and contributes to the progress of the photovoltaic industry as a whole.

The future of solar energy looks brighter than ever, and the ZGR SOLAR CTRh 3300 Central Inverter is ready to perform a fundamental role in important photovoltaic plant projects that are being developed at this time in Spain, Europe and the US. ZGR Corporación will be there where its customers need innovative and advanced equipment that provides efficient solutions and responses to their needs.

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