ZGR se encarga del equipamiento de la subestación eléctrica de la ampliación del tranvía de Vitoria

ZGR equips the electrical substation that will serve the extension of the tram in Vitoria

The extension of the Vitoria tram to the Salburua district, in addition to a major civil works project, requires the construction and equipping of an electrical substation. ZGR Corporación was the winning bidder in the tender published by “Euskal Trenbide Sarea”.

“The commissioning of this project, in addition to the technical recognition of the work done by our team, is a source of pride for us because we have a technology that is internationally recognized for being at the forefront and offering unique solutions in the market. Being able to apply it in our city is very special. It gives us extra responsibility and motivation because we are doing it at home”, said Iñigo Segura, CEO of ZGR Corporación.

The Salburua substation will be the sixth facility of its kind and the first five cover the existing road network and are fully operational.

The extension to the young neighborhood requires it to be complemented with a new substation that will be equipped with direct current equipment manufactured by ZGR at its Vitoria-Gasteiz plant, which will guarantee the power supply for the entire section and thus the operation of the tram, that is located in the area around Avenida 8 de marzo (Calle Estocolmo) and near the entrance to “Parque de Salburua”.

Obras de la subestación eléctrica del tranvía de Vitoria

Extension of the Vitoria tram

The new branch line is 2,575 metres long and includes the construction of five new side platform stops identical in structure, size and shape. They will be located at Santa Lucía, La Iliada, Nicosia, La Unión and Salburua.

The extension of the tram will improve the connection of the neighborhoods located in the eastern part of the city. Specifically, the neighborhoods of Santa Lucía and Salburua with the city centre. As well as with the Lakua bus station and with the areas currently served by the existing lines.

It also makes it possible to connect these neighborhoods with Hegoalde and the EHU/UPV university campus thanks to the South extension, which is about to come into service.

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