Inversores solares en una explotación agrícola asociada a ACOR - riego - Inversores solares

ACOR: Solar inverters and «Discharge 0»

The installations of «Discharge 0” or «Injection 0” are photovoltaic installations of self-consumption, where there is an automatic and intelligent system that prevents the dumping of surplus generation to the electricity grid.

Basically, self-consumption with «Injection 0» consists of using equipment and mechanisms that prevent the discharge of excess energy to the electricity grid. In this way, they modify the working point of inverters.

When solar panels collect sunlight and convert it into electrical energy, it is sent to the inverter, which receives electricity in direct current and converts it into alternating. The latter is used in homes, workplaces and factories.

That’s when solar electricity can power the different electrical equipment connected.

Thus, the photovoltaic inverters manufactured by ZGR are key parts for the correct operation of a photovoltaic self-consumption plant.

A few weeks ago, two ZGR technicians worked on an Acor agrifood project to adapt investors to “Dumping 0”.

They are the photovoltaic inverters that appearing in the photo above.

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