proveedores zigor

Suppliers value in the innovation ecosystem of ZGR

Dedicated to a sector, the electrical energy one, which is in continuous change, we look also for suppliers that share our passion for innovation, collaborating with us to offer better and better solutions to our customers.

We are Zigor Corporacion. A company specialized on developing flexible and efficient solutions for the integral management of electrical energy. From its generation, transport and distribution, to its consumption. We challenge ourselves constantly to successfully provide new responses towards the need of efficiency and upcoming demands in the energy sector. 

The world is more and more globalized and interdependent. In Zigor Corporacion we know the success can only be achievable through a competitive, sustainable and innovative value chain. Due to this, we see our suppliers as the business allies capable to contribute and accompany us in our growth.

Check here our ZGR Manifiesto

The electricity sector is currently facing critical factors:

  • integration of electric cars in energy distribution grids.
  • gradual replacement of traditional heating systems with electric heat pumps.
  • European economy’s decarbonisation policy.
  • emergence of cybersecure smart grids.

All of these being potentially disruptive factors.

Suppliers value in ZGR

We believe on cooperation as the only way to overcome the challenges that our business faces and we expect that the specific knowledge and expertise of our suppliers complement our ones, helping each other to evolve and compete a little better day-a day.

Besides, we empower our business from professional ethics and sustainable development, a mission where our suppliers have a key role and for which we expect they adhere to the values of our Code of Conduct.

proveedor zgr

Concentrated on a sector, the electrical energy one, which is in continuous change, above all we look also for suppliers that share our passion for innovation, collaborating with us to offer better and better solutions to our customers.

In Zigor we know well the effort behind investing in innovation and the importance of respecting the differential value that is achieved with it. So this, we want our suppliers to find in Zigor a stable and fair ally, who allow them to profit from their dedication to us and make visible their value inside our projects.

Suppliers Motivation at ZGR

With a fluent and transparent communication as pillar of this relationship we motivate our suppliers to:

  • integrate themselves in our projects.
  • provide new solutions.
  • be part of our service commitment to customer.

“In a world that is more and more globalized and interdependent, from Zigor Corporacion we know this success can only be achievable through a competitive, sustainable and innovative value chain.”

As a deeply technologic nature company, Zigor collaborates with customers in the development and implementation of pioneer solutions, giving our suppliers the opportunity to aware, participate and anticipate the technologies that will be demanded in coming future.

Thanks to our international presence, we act also as access to new markets for our suppliers and support for the qualification of their products based on our technical knowhow and direct relationship with customers.

mapa zigor

Suppliers Access in ZGR

Experts in electrical energy management, in Zigor we design, develop and manufacture a large catalogue of solutions, for which we demand a great variety of components and services from our suppliers.

Our purpose is to offer competitive and reliable solutions to market. So, we carefully select our suppliers and evaluate their collaboration and performance on regular basis to assure that our service meets our customer expectations. We are strict on our requirements because we believe on continuous improvement as guarantee of our and our supplier’s future.

“Because we protect our added value, we identify within our suppliers those who contribute exceptionally to our business development.”

We manage each of our purchasing categories with a short but reliable group of suppliers because we put faith on the sustainable growth. As a company open to the world and to new opportunities, our selection is dynamic and permits access to new collaborators that contribute to increase our business value. This access process includes two essential features of our suppliers:

On the first hand, we want to verify that potential supplier is capable to:

  • identify correctly our needs.
  • provide competitive proposals.
  • cooperate with us in their adjustment and reliable implementation in our solutions to customer.

On the other, ensure its capability to align with Zigor values and accompany our growth in the long term.

The access process and the performance evaluation are the key methodologies at Zigor. We try to reach competitiveness, secured supply and technical guarantee in each of our purchasing categories.

proveedores zigor

Suppliers Development in ZGR

Through the continuous evaluation, all our suppliers are given the opportunity to improve their performance and promote inside Zigor.

Because we protect our added value, we identify within our suppliers those who contribute exceptionally to our business development. Those are preferred suppliers who systematically accede to our offer requests and regularly participate from our most ambitious projects.

In conclusion, cooperation, reliability and commitment are the values that Zigor pursuits and promotes to build up our relationship with suppliers. We want jointly progress in our business challenge.

Mikel Martin
ZGR Procurement Director

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