Service Architecture for Renewable Energy and Storage Technologies for Public DC Grids
The ASTRA-CC project “Service Architecture for Renewable Energy and Storage Technologies for Public DC Grids” file number ZE-2023/00006, has been financed in the 2023 by Hazitek Estrategic programme of the Basque Government’s Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment (SPRI) and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (FEDER).
ASTRA-CC project includes the novelty of promoting accessibility for the user of technology based on the use of DC and the aggregation of services, both for users and for the distribution network, in a single shared-use converter, optimising installation costs and distributing them among multiple actors. The execution of this project will involve the complete design of a system that actually does not exist, with an architecture that, based on the connection to existing alternating DC networks, will allow an open connection to network users. It will have to be optimised and allow uses such as renewable services and storage, either by means of batteries or by means of an electric vehicle with fast recharging points with V2G capacity.