DATA energy
El objetivo del proyecto IOENERGY es facilitar la adquisición y la capitalización de los daThe IOENERGY project works on the set of basic technologies that are required for applying value generation from operational data, especially within the scope of renewable energies in which there are certain initial conditioning factors, which despite driving and justifying these types of solutions also imply a significant requirement level for applying technology in optimal conditions, such as:
Localisation of in-operation assets in difficult access remote locations and often in extreme conditions (offshore)
Importance of the cost factor: reduction of LCOE
Difficulty in accessing operation data (property, confidentiality, security).
The project proposes a series of technological and innovative advances that entail generating new knowledge and value for the companies participating in the consortium.
This generation of new knowledge is based on three pillars that support the project:
Access to operation data at its source, that is, the data generated by the operating components themselves. Practically all the data generated in real operation are in the hands of the operators and owners of the assets.
Understanding and taking advantage of the operational functioning of the components in different real operation scenarios in test benches and through the close collaboration between component manufacturers, and component manufacturers with the technology companies, which can facilitate the leap to digital platforms and advanced analytics.
Knowledge development in an inter-sector framework that allows, within the umbrella of renewable energies, to take advantage of knowledge and skills of both wind and photovoltaic sectors, and the synergies between both sectors and the technological companies that work in the sector.
The IOENERGY project deals with two segments of renewable energies: WIND and PHOTOVOLTAICtos generados en condiciones de operación real, tanto para los fabricantes de componentes como para los proveedores de servicios y tecnologías 4.0, acelerando y optimizando el proceso de digitalización para:
Mejorar el diseño de sistemas y componentes fotovoltaicos y eólicos captando y explotando los datos de su comportamiento en servicio.
Mejorar la competitividad y el posicionamiento de los fabricantes de componentes y empresas transversales vascas para el desarrollo de nuevos servicios de gestión de activos fotovoltaicos y eólicos (monitorización, mantenimiento predictivo, etc.).
Desarrollar tecnologías de comunicaciones, ingesta y análisis de datos con aplicaciones, herramientas y servicios específicamente dirigidos y adaptadas a las necesidades de las energías renovables.
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