Central energy management platform
ISLANDER aims at developing an even more integrated and efficient central energy management platform in order to manage the various energy assets and balance fluctuations between generation and demand, using local flexibility options such as storage technologies and demand response in combination with renewable energy sources. In addition, an innovative concept for heat supply based on a seawater-
powered heat pump and a heat storage tank will be installed in a newly built district close to the port of Borkum. A large hydrogen-based storage will also be deployed. Moreover, a Renewable Energy Community will be created in order to engage the citizens of Borkum and strengthen their participation in the island’s energy transition. These measures will set the course for the creation of a largely carbon- free energy system on the island of Borkum by 2030.
The main role of ZIGOR R&D in the ISLANDER project is to develop the short- and medium-term community ESS electrical storage system (including power converters and ultracapacitor system) and energy conversion systems for buildings.
CALL: LC-SC3-ES4-2020